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Boxer allergies


I have a five months female Boxer and she is in a constant itching.  The vet is giving her a lot of medication but she still with skin itching.  We check her every day and we can not find any fleas.  She is Revolution but I read that is a monthly treatment but the direction was to used every two week.  Can that affect my puppy?  Right know she has diarrhea and sometime she can not wait and that is not normal on her.   I don't know what else to do, she is being kind of sick for long time get better and go back to the diarrhea

This question has a long and involved answer, and frankly one that I would prefer to answer in person or on the phone. I don't know where you live, but if you could call me at my shop (727) 327-2356 I'd like to give you the answer that your pup deserves. I will give you a condensed version here.

First of all, let me tell you that my oldest daughter has been a boxer breeder for many years and I currently own one of her magnificent females myself. She is 7 years old, has had 3 litters, and looks and has the energy of a 2 year old. Her mother is still alive and going strong at 13 and her grandmother lived to an active 16 years old.  The vet that helped her pass the night that she just quit had never seen a 16 year old boxer because most of them are dead of cancer at 8. I firmly believe that the secret of our boxers long and healthy lives is 1) good nutrition and 2) NO VACCINES. That's right, Boxers are extremely susceptible to the highly toxic substances found in vaccinations. The heavy metals, etc. in them are responsible for cancer, allergies, epilepsy, diabetes, temperament changes, and a plethora of other health issues that scientific research has proven to be the very dangerous and prevalent side effects of totally unnecessary annual vaccines. All 28 vet colleges are now changing their teaching protocol to recommending against annual vaccines. There are several articles and books written on the subject that you may want to research. I would highly recommend that you think seriously about not vaccinating your girl ever again.Most of them (DHLPP especially) are totally unnecessary after 16 weeks of age as they are puppy diseases which either do not effect adults at all or are very short term, self eliminating illnesses.) Also, you may want to consider treating her homeopathically for the condition that holistic vets refer to as vaccinosis. The main treatments are a homeopathic detox formula and a remedy called thuja 30c.

Another thing is the fact that skin problems have been my specialty for over 20 years now and I have been extremely successful in eliminating them with proper, hypoallergenic diet and Critter Oil. On my web site there are several articles that I have written on the subject as well as on the topic of natural flea control. You also want to immediately discontinue using Revolution. It is highly toxic and allergy causing as well as being totally unnecessary for the health of your girl.

I have written a book called "The Healthy Pet Handbook" that covers much of what you need to know, and if I can write a book about it, there's more than I can tell you here. One very important thing is to eliminate wheat, corn, soy, dairy and beef from her diet (that includes EVERYTHING that goes into her mouth, not just into her food dish.) Also, if you can get her on at least 50% raw food diet or a good enzyme and pro-biotic supplement such as E-BARF PLUS, you will eliminate the digestive problems and the skin issues. The main medications that vets give you are steroids and antibiotics, both of which give a very temporary 'fix' that when they ware off, the problems resurface and generally are even worse than the time before.  It's a vicious and ultimately deadly cycle that makes you poorer and vets richer.

I hope this helps (as a matter of fact, I guarantee it will if you follow it very strictly), and that you will call me for more details on recommended foods, et.