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Heartguard/Frontline products - Ivermectin;


Hello Marie, I live in Columbia county NY-the nations highest incidence of Lyme disease, also Heartworm and major mosquito swarms. I have been using Heartguard PLus on my dogs for years, as well as Frontline Plus. The Frontline has gotten very very expensive. Do you know of any products that are comparable and less costly? Two dogs came from down south and were HW positive and have been treated. The other was born here and has not ever had HW but I don't want him to get it either as he is 14 yrs old and frail. What do you think!

Hello Fran , Talk to your vet about buying your own bottle of Ivermectin.
For heartworm I use :
Vetrimec ( Ivermectin ) - I buy the "cattle one" and give the dog dosage.
ONLY do this is you have someone who can coach you on this....
YOU would not want to overdose your baby...  Your vet can advise you on the dosages.
My dogs only take .10  1/10 of a cc per every 10 lbs.
So, please consult someone that can help/  YOU will save LOADS of money going this route.

Marie Peppers LPN MA