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Interactions Between Allopathic Heart Meds and Herbal Supplements


Hi. I have a 13 1/2 year old pug in CHF. She is currently on enalapril 2.5 mg BID, furosemide 12.5 mg BID, and pimobendan 2.5 mg BID. I am interested in adding dandelion and hawthorn supplements to her diet. My concern is potential interaction with the meds she's currently on. Are there any contraindications?



That one is for a qualified holistic vet to answer. I suggest that you research vets that are practicing herbal medicine. Dr Gerald Wessner is a homeopathic practitioner, but I am not sure how familiar he is with herbs.  His phone number is 352-245-2025.  Dr Joel Murphy in Palm Harbor, FL is an herbal practitioner plus he has a state of the art cardiology center so he may be the best one to call with this question. His number is 727-784-0558.

Hope this helps.