Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > bumps on pitbull puppys skin;

bumps on pitbull puppys skin;


Hi!  I have a 12 week old Pit Bull puppy.  We have had her for 4 weeks now and when we got her she had a couple little red, crusty bumps on the top of her head. In the fast few weeks her bumps have spread all over her head, down her chest, and no the inside of her legs, and a couple on her back (and those seem to be a ittle bigger).  She doesn't have fleas, never has, and she is also an indoor dog.  She scratches at them a lot.  We have been to a couple vets, the first one we took her to them a couple times.  The first time the vet said she thought it was a form of "puppy cradle cap" and did a skin scrape, 2 weeks later after it had spread, they scraped her skin again, still negative and put her on amoxicillan.  We took her again a couple days ago, wednesday, they did a skin scrape again, negative, and said it was a staph infection and gave her Simplicef. She is on Chicken Soup for the Puppy lover's soul.  If you have any answers I would love it.


Hi Erika, Sure, I can help.  Glad you did see the vet for some help.
Now let's try some natural options in pet care:
Your pitbull's food is a very good brand.  I bet your baby is having some Environmental issues.
Could be allergic to grass, dust, pollen, trees or even some kinds of soil.

How about an Oatmeal puppy shampoo 1 x per week.  Very soothing to the skin and coat.
Continue with the antibiotic from your Vet.
Also, NuVET Plus is a great allergy blaster and immune system booster.
Please start your pitbull pup on 1 per day - Wafers / LONG term..
CAll in and order the NuVET Plus wafers-  Tell them Pet Nurse Marie sent you - you must give my name as your referral:  Not sold in stores - thru referrals only.
Call 1-800-474-7044
Also, tell them Marie wanted you to get the 60 day trial guaranteed offer.

I would also wipe the paws with a unscented baby wipe - Every time she comes in from outside.  She could very well have a grass allergy.

Keep me posted at my private e-mail-
Marie Peppers LPN MA
ASK the Pet Nurse