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Swollen front leg


I have a 5 yr old black lab mix. After getting home from a walk last night we noticed that his front leg is swollen just above the elbow (front of the leg). We're not sure if he injured himself or got bitten by something (we could not see any bite marks on the leg) He is licking the swollen spot & some of his fur is missing there). We're putting ice on it over night to see if it helps with the swelling. Any ideas/suggestion what caused the swelling & what can we do to help get it down? Can we give him aspiring? He's 106 lbs and otherwise very healthy. If nothing helps I will take him to a vet tomorrow night, but would like to try a home remedy first....thanks!

Hi Guys - Sounds like an insect bite to me.... MOST VET's will allow Benadryl...
... Start with a 50 mg dosage ...
If not better in 6 hrs, call the VET.  YOU may have a little infection brewing and will need antibiotics from the local VET.
BEST wishes...

Marie Peppers LPN MA