Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Sneezing cat

Sneezing cat


My cat seems to have a cold...runny nose, sneezing...what can I do?
Or is this something bigger?

Hi Diane,  Cats that sneeze can have allergies.   Also, it can be related to a respiratory infection.  Hard to say without seeing your cat.
If it continues, please see your local vet.

YOU can also try the following :
ALJ liquid - a few drops in the cat food daily :  ( or in water dish)
VERY safe and Natural

Also, NuVET makes a great Feline supplement
see here:
Great site - Look under ailments ---
Tell them Marie sent you and use order code 81098 for the 15% off program.
Call and order the CAT NuVET Powder

BEST wishes

Marie Peppers LPN MA