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flea control


Susan Griffin,

Can you please suggest some natural ways to control fleas on my dog.  

Thank you,

Hello Anne,

Interesting question...and what I have been known for for over 28 years. Your question will be answered and your problem solved by going to my web site: . First, fill in the pop up form that will appear (please be sure to allow pop-ups) and submit it and you will receive a free PDF copy of my book, "Simple Steps to a Healthy Pet" via e-mail. The entire first section on the book is devoted to natural flea control.

The second thing to do is read all about Critter Oil there on the site as well as some of our other products. Critter Oil is an amazing product that can be used to make many things to eliminate and prevent fleas.

Go check it all out. Your solution to eliminating fleas the natural way is there:

After reading the book, if you have any questions, feel free to call me: 727-327-2356

Take care,