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young pup with lots of health problems


Hi there!  I have a one year old Sharpei/Corgi mix.  We adopted her a few months ago from a rescue organization and have been having lots of problems with her health.  She has a very sensitive stomach, and does not process medicines or most food very well, we've put her on yogurt as well as cranberry powder for her recurring bladder infections and switched her to a high grade salmon/potato diet, all of which seems to be helping.  However, just as we started to get the pees and poops in check, she twisted her leg in a snow bank.  It seems that she has strained her cruciate ligament.  The vet recommended tylenol...which of course gave her diarhea and did nothing for the leg.  Instead, we have been applying arnica oil to the knee 2-3 times a day and giving her 500mg glucosamine-chondroitin supplements once a day.  While she seems to be putting weight on the leg more often, I am concerned that there may be some atrophy of the muscle in the injured leg.  I have heard that the arnica can be given in pill form, and I wonder if this would be a better approach, whether it might work faster than the topical oil? I also wonder if there is something we can give her to help build up muscle in the injured leg, or atleast minimize the pain so she is more willing to use it?  
While I have your attention, one last quick question, the cranberry supplement has stopped the bladder infections but she seems to be urinating much more frequently, is this a normal side-effect?
Thanks for all your help, I really really appreciate it.
Thank you from both me and our puppy Kaya!!

Hi Christine
Congratulations on adopting such a natural approach to your pup's health.  Sometimes life can get off to a rough start, but you seem to be doing the right things for your girl.  

The arnica oil is great as is the glucosamine supplement.  If you are still worried you can get a herbal remedy by Robert McDowell -  - called Top Performance Mix.  

Although specifically designed for racing greyhounds, it contains a list of herbs specifically to enhance condition, kidney fucntion, joints and muscles.  It is expensive, but one bottle will last you about 4-5 months for a dog of your size.

To help with the digestion you can add Slippery Elm powder to her meals, or any natural Digestive supplement available for pets.  
I am not sure about the association with extra urinating and the cranberry supplement.  Perhaps she is simply getting rid of excess toxins?  The Top Performance mix will help her kidney function as well.  Do check with Robert about the dosage for a smaller young dog, as we don't want to overload her system.  Even though herbs are natural, too much can cause toxic build up.

Keep her off commercial dog foods, and feed only raw, natural meats, veggies, some fruits and organic natural (sugar free) yogurts.  Sardines are also good once a week.  And add some FlaxSeed Oil or other Omega 3, 6, 9 oil blend to her daily meals. This will keep her skin and coat in top condition and help her joints as well.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
with thanks,