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Blue Chihuahua and supplements;


I have a blue Chihuahua/boy. When I got him he was a year old and he has no hair. He only has hair under his tail and around his neck.  I was told it was his nerves. Their is no sign of mange or irritation on the skin. He dont care to be bald. Is there any home remedies that may help his hair grow back. Some kind of dip. maybe?

Hi Tasha,  Well, I bet he is cute!  YOU can try some Olive oil - JUST 1/4 of a teaspoon in his food 1 x per day.  

Also, see the NuVET site: I would give him 1/2 teaspoon of NuVET supplement per day.
NuVET has been knows to reduce inflammation and help with hair re-growth.
Tell them order code 81098 so you can get the 15% off discount program.

Good luck kids!

Marie Peppers LPN MA