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Ticks on Dogs and Tick Illness


Hi Marie -

I asked you a question yesterday about my cat and using a flea treatment for dogs on her.  Well, today, I can no longer ignore my dogs symptoms of tick illness.  The vet hospital I was on the PHONE with said she couldn't have gotten sick from ticks this soon, at that time we had not found a tick.  Last night for the 1st time in 2 weeks of dealing with this horrific infestation and steady decline of our generally healthy dog, I THINK I found a tick.  I thought the little bumps were scabs from her scratching herself.  But I pulled a "scab" off last night and turned it over, it had legs... YUK!
In addition, she has displayed behaviours never witnessed in our 1 1/2 years since adopting her: confusion, shaky walking and walking unsteady, tripping and leaning sideways, shivering in 90 degree weather, lethargy, and decreased appetite just to name a few... She is vomiting as well.  She was seen by our vet, he said allergies, I went back just to pick up some pills for scratching so I didn't get charged additional funds. We have spend $400 so far and ALL the animals still have fleas, and are suffering...  I don't even think we have any more money nevermind deciding to use more on this problem.   I don't know what to do, but I'm pretty sure my dog is in trouble and my kids and I would be devastated by a tragedy that we had been so diligent with the past few wks trying to avoid.

Please give me some guidance or resources I can look into! Thank you Thank you !

Sounds like your dog many need some antibiotics?  What did the Vet order for you?
Also, if you have a Feed/Horse store in town pick up some D.E powder and rub it onto the cats and dog.  Also, place it in the corners of your rooms and even outside.
SEE here:
My post on D.Earth powder for fleas and ticks, too