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Boston Terrier leg problems


I have a 21/2 year old female Boston Terrier named Maggie. She has recently been displaying a limp with her left hind leg. Sometimes she will place weight on the leg and sometimes she won't. Upon examination of the leg and foot, she does not display any signs of pain, she just won't completely walk on it.The pads of the foot seem fine. Maggie is a very active dog. She plays frisbee almost daily. She jumps and runs. Could she have injured her leg and not display any pain symptoms other than limping?
Any information you could give would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You.
Tracy Redding

Follow up :  How is Maggie now?  Has the leg healed?

Yes, Tracy, your little Maggie could have damaged her patella ( knee ) or a ligament.  Only time will tell if she does have an injury.  I would stop the frisbee play for a few weeks.  Try to just do some walking on a leash.  Try to avoid fast starts and fast Stops.

Also, I would suggest some NuVET Plus for you kid... NuVET is great for hips, legs and joints..... Plus, it is a immune system booster.
see here:

Also, you may want to add some 500 mg of Vit C to her diet for just a few weeks.  Make sure she take Vit C on a full belly.

You may want to see the VET for an exam and possible x-rays.

Let me know what happens....????

Marie Peppers LPN MA