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Shepherd with cyst


Recently, I questioned about a tennis size ball cyst on our shepherd.  We did find out that it is part Mast Cell Tumor.  Is there anything else we can give her to prolong the cells from developing into cancer?

Thank you!

Hi Linda, I have included a very good link for you to review.  Wonderful info here on the Mast Cell disease.

I do still feel that great nutrition and supplements can help your kid's immune system.
Most of the time surgery is the option your vet will give you in regards to treating this.
This is a very common cancer in canines.  Did they let you know what stage this is?  They may just want to watch the area before removal?

I know you did not want to put your doggie kid thru any surgery.

If you would like the supplements again, let me know, I believe that I still have the recommendations that were made.
Good nutrition still holds true in this case.

Thanks and BEST wishes

Marie Peppers