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Boxer-first heat


We have a female and male Boxers.This is her first heat and our first time owning a female,so the heat process is all new to us.I was just wondering if diarrhea is normal during this period or not?We have not changed her food,she plays,no loss of appetitte and our male dog is fine.Does this period affect each individual differently(like woman during this time),or could it be the breed,or could she be sick?She has only had diarrhea since she has been in heat.She is still drinking water and eating,her nose is cold and wet.She also has alot of gas.Is there something we could try at home for treatment?Our post does not have a vet until mid-June.
                                 Thank You,

                                       Viola P.  

Hello Viola -

Boxers are actually known for being gasey and bloated. There is a good chance that the change in hormones and the gas has caused your pet to have a slight bout of diarrhea.

She is showing no other signs of being ill. I would wait a few days and see if the diarrhea passes. Depending on where she is in her estrus cycle she may have the diarrhea for 7 (seven) days. The dogs estrus cycle is a total of 21 days and if she is at the "acceptance" stage her hormones are really off track.

To cut down on the gas, try adding a little water to her food, regardless of whether it is wet, dry or mixed. If you feed her table scraps watch what you are giving her. Just as humans, certain veggies are known as "cruciferous", meaning they bring on gas. Raw vegetables are excellent for a dogs diet but can increase gas.

As long as there is no heavy mucous (not vaginal fluid) or blood in her feces, she should be fine. I normally recommend adding a supplement of Garlic powder to food in cases like this. However, Garlic can increase gas and I don't want you to be holding your nose more than you have too! You could if you wanted too though, your choice. Garlic is an anti-microbial and helps to fight and kill bacteria and infections present in the system. It increases gas because it is pushing the bacteria through the system and expelling toxins. Garlic is safe and effective for log term use and can be given with conventional medications.

The best thing to aid your pets digestion is a supplement of Probiotics such as Acidophilus. Probitoics are the living cultures found in yogurt. These cultures maintain and increase the good flora (bacteria) of the gut and aid in all digestive issues. When humans or animals are ill, the good bacteria level of the gut drops to aid the bodies immunity. When the levels drop the body becomes susceptable to other bacterias. By keeping these good bacteria levels high you can deter the body from bacteria, infections, digestive upset and digestive orders in general. It will aslo help with the gas and will help the digestive chemicals process food better. You can find Acidophilus in most pet stores or online at places like or you can give your pets the "human" brand. Both work the same. You could also give your pets yogurt daily as a treat, make sure its the plain, unflavored variety. Most pets love yogurt and welcome it as a daily treat. Acidophilus works very well for humans and animals and you will see an improvement in over all health. This is also safe and effective for daily long term use and can be given with any conventional medication. In fact, when anti-biotics are in the system, they kill all bacteria in the gut, so Acidophilus amounts are usually increased to help the body heal faster. Acidophilus will also guard against yeast infections in female dogs and humans!

If the diarrhea does not pass in a few days, contact me again and let me know her status and I will see if I can help you further. As long as she has had all of her shots, you should have nothing to worry about.

I hope this information has helped you and your pets.

If you would like information on natural and herbal remedies for human and animal concerns please contact me at and I will be happy to assist you. I also offer a catalog of specially formulated herbal remedies which I would be happy to send to you as well. My full product line is also available on

Thank you and best wishes to you and your pets.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist