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Loss of leg function


Our Chow/GermanShepard mix had a slight limp in his fore leg. After an examination and x-ray (which showed some inregularity in vertibre above the shoulder)he started loosing control of his hind legs. Prednisone purked him right up, and he was back to normal except for a limp in his hind quarters. Reducing the prednisone brought emediate deterioration of his condition and he lost all use of his hind legs. Another injection of prednisone has got him on his feet but he staggers and falls.  His condition appears to be worstening. We have him on Liquid Health 5000 (gulcosomine)as well as the pregnisone tabs.  Does he have any chance of improvement?

Hello Deb -

I am sorry to hear of your pet's diagnosis. This is a difficult thing to deal with and difficult to say if your pet will have full function of mobility.

German Shepards are known to suffer from degenerative and mobility ailments. I hope this information will help you in naturally healing your pet.

Glucosamine supplements are a good start, try increasing the amount to 1000mg per day (that is normal human consumption) and be sure there is Chondroitin in the mix.

There is a supplement called S.O.D. and Boswellia. This mix is a safe alternative to pet aspirin and NSAID's and is a great pain reliever. S.O.D. (Superoxide Dismutase) is one of the best pet offered anti-oxidants to help with conditons your pet currently has. You can purchase this supplement at most natural pet stores or online. You can administer this to your pet in addition to the Glucosamine and Prednisone.

Please be careful with the Prednisone, it can play heavy with your pets emotions and can have long term damage on the liver. There are alternatives to pain, I mentioned one above, there are also suplements of SAM-e and MSM that can be given in place. All of these natural supplements are used for arthritis in humans and animals and have had great results.

It is difficult to say if full improvement will occur. It all depends on your pets body and the condition of the vertebrae. I have a pet client who suffers from Thoracolumbar Syndrome which is degenerative axonopathy. Meaning, the nerves do not properly connect leaving the dog to have loss of mobility in his legs depending on where the lesion is in the nerves connecting to the spinal cord. This dog has been taking heavy Glucosamine Chondroitin supplements and has been doing very, very well. It is worth a shot to help your pet you can never tell but the supplements I mentioned above will really help with overall health and further damage to the system.

I hope this information has helped you and your pet.

If you would like information on natural and herbal remedies for human and animal concerns please contact me at and I will be happy to assist you. I also offer a catalog of specially formulated herbal remedies which I can send to you as well.

Thank you and my best of wishes to you and your pet. Please keep me posted on his condition.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist