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Nail question


Hi Susan,

I have a question about my dog, Karlie. It looks like Karlie somehow sliced the side of her nail. It is not deep, bleeding, or bothering her too much. She does, however, lick at it every now and then, nothing obsessively. I was wondering if there would be something that I could put on it to help protect it or to help it heal faster. I have been putting coconut oil on it, but I'm wondering if there would be something better to put on it to help heal it.

Thanks for the help,
Have a great day,
Ricki and Karlie

Hello, Ricki,

If there are no rough edges sticking out that can get caught on and rip it further or even off, the problem isn't very serious. What most dog people do with a simple crack is to take a tiny bit of Super Glue and mend the crack then just let it grow out over time. Be sure to keep your dogs nails cut frequently (at least once a month), and if there are rough edges on the crack, file them off before you use the glue.

Hope this helps :0)
