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sebaceous cyst GSD Female;


Hello, I adopted a 2 1/2 year old spayed female GSD from the SPCA in January. At the time she had a lump on her back/hip area. It appeared to be at a vaccine injection site so I watched it and it seemed to reduce and soften some. I recently took her to have it aspirated for peace of mind. It's a sebaceous cyst. Now since we've had her she is happy, healthy, eats raw and is groomed regularly. The cyst does seem to have reduced and softened a little. How can I help it dissolve? I can't help but think there must be a way to massage it, or compresses........? It has never broken or weeped or bothered her. Any suggestions?

Sebaceous cyst on GSD female ;

Hi Lori, I would just leave it alone for now.  It may absorb into her system on it's own.
I have seen this before with my own dogs. You can add some Ester C to her diet ( about 500 mg) per day.  Otherwise, just keep up the good feeding ...

Best wishes
Marie Peppers LPN MA