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Skin problems


My dog has been having skin problems for a couple of weeks now, and recently it has also spread to my other dog.

The skin condition seems to be occurring in their chest, elbows around the eyes, tips of the ears and even the top of their head! The skin looks red and really has no hair left on it, even though the dogs are not bald, there is some certain areas that basically have no hair! I have noticed the skin has become flaky and seems to be leaving dark patches, I guess as a result to all the scratching!

I have tried many things to get them better and the one thing that has helped is a medication called Sulfodene, a medication for scratching, hot spots, hair loss and redness. I have also been giving them activia, as someone else had suggested!

I believe the treatment might just be working, since they do appear to be getting better after a week from applying the medication!

Do you have any other suggestions on what I can do for them, I don't have money to take them to the vet, if I did I would have done that as soon as the condition came up!

My guess is it might be sarcoptic mange since its affecting those certain areas and spreading to the other dogs. Any help would be very much appreciated! From what I have read mange is curable, do you know of any home remedies to treat mange?

Hi Leslie ,  Yes, that sounds like a good guess to me!
SEE Revival health for some salves and try so see the vet ASAP.
YOU may need an antibiotic along with a few other medications to clear this up.
( only from a Vet's office - sorry)

SEE here for Revival Health's site: