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NuVet product for cats


Do you feel that the NuVet product for cats would help my 20-year old cat who has a very stiff spine, mild epilepsy, and occasional problems with diarrhea?  I so wish to give him a better quality of life.  I have tried a lot of fine products.  They just didn't seem to work for him.

Thank you for your time.

It very probably would. I don't know what you are feeding, but I would suggest Indigo Moon by Solid Gold (grain free dry) and Raw Health's frozen, raw cat food. Both are fabulous separately or you might try a combination. You need gluten free and enzymes for all of his symptoms. Solid Gold also has a product called Seameal that would be good. If you feed a quality food like the above, supplementation may not be totally necessary. If you don't, no amount of supplementation may get you where he needs to go.

Let me know if you need any more assistance. I'm happy to talk to you via phone as well. 727-327-2356
