Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > incontinent 2 yr old English Mastiff

incontinent 2 yr old English Mastiff


Hi. My girl is 2 yrs old. She drips on occasion. Particularly after a long walk
when she lays down to sleep in the evening. The vet prescribed Proin with
hopes that I could wean her off the med after strengthening the smooth
muscle. It works well provided I don't decrease the dosage. She's been
taking it for a year and a half now. Any ideas on natural tx?

Hi Jennifer - there is a good natural product you can try - I will place the link here:  I looked it over and it makes sense..
I offered DES as an alternative to Proin, but DES also can have it's problems.... Proin, has been known to cause clots and stroke.

Here is the Natural Alternative:

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Give 1 tablet per 25 lbs of dog weight.For dogs less than 25 lbs give 1/2 tablet daily.If giving more than 1 tablet daily divide between am and pm.  

INGREDIENTS:Pumpkin Seed Powder,Rehmannia glutinosa Root,Wid Yam Extract,SOy Protein Extract,Corn Silk Powder,Saw Plametto Extract,Olive Leaf Extract,Vitamin b6.

Also, Don't forget a good Vitamin supplement/ Daily

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