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I have 2 elderly cats--a male, 15, and his daughter, 14.
The femaleis compromised on teeth but they both have gingivitis and fleas. I peirced the end of a vitamin E gelcap, and my male, Binky, eagarly lapped the innards of the pill as I squeeze it. It got me wondering. What vitamins may I give these kitties to help their health---and their gums and get rid of those blinkin' fleas?????

I assume you are feeding your cats canned cat food, because of the problems with their teeth.  I hope you are giving one that has a high proportion of meat.  

A general multi-vitamin/mineral preparation should be helpful.  Use the drops form,so you can mix it with their food.  You can look for this at your pet store or ask your veterinarian what he recommends.  If possible, get one specially formulated for cats, since they have different nutritional needs than dogs.  If you can't find one, then use drops formulated for human children.  The instructions should show how many drops to give according to weight.

Some people say garlic helps against fleas, but I don't know of any evidence for this.  I don't know of any complementary preparation that is really good against fleas.  I would suggest you use the kind of drops that you put on the cat at the back of his neck.  Either that, or a flea collar.  I don't like flea powder on cats, because they are liable to lick it off and swallow it.  A spray would probably scare your cat.

There are many possible causes of gingivitis, including Vitamin C deficiency, but the most common cause is poor dental care.  I urge you to take your cats to the vet to clean their teeth and remove teeth that are decayed.  Gingivitis  can be very serious, as bacteria can enter the blood and spread throughout your pets' bodies.  Meanwhile, be sure to give the best food you can afford, together with the vitamins and minerals, to keep your pets as strong as possible.

Please ask if you have more questions.

