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Hyperactive 8 mo. male dog


QUESTION: I have an 8 mo. male Eskie.  He is active all day long without any resting, gets easily excited at anything or anybody new, at sounds, etc.  He's very restless and can only stay focused on an activity for a short amount of time.  He walks on a treadmill for less than five minutes because his attention moves to something else.  I've also noticed that he only sleeps in a couple of hour intervals at night, then he wakes up, later goes back to sleep again.  Is there anything I can do to help him and me?


ANSWER: Hi Jan, Has the vet worked with you at all on this problem?  I can help with some supplements that may help to calm him a bit.
What is his diet?  Brand and Flavors???


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


I have not spoken to the vet.  Originally I thought this behavior was just him "being a puppy".  He isn't due to see the Vet again til August - he's had all his shots and been neutered.  

He is fed Iams puppy food (2 cups, 1 in the am, 1 around 5 pm - treats are Cheerios, Milk Bones for puppies, Purina Beggin Littles, and raw carrots.  

What supplements would you suggest?


ANSWER: Ok, well, just a little over active !  Can you exercise him more in the daytime?  Or use the tredmill in smaller sessions?  LIKE 3-4 minutes x amounts per day?  Just a little more exercise will help.
Yes, I would take him off the Puppy food and go to the Adult food now.
Also, I would add the following supplements;
Salmon oil - 1 tablespoon per day / Pure salmon oil mixed into his food just 1 x per day.

Valerian -  ( give 1 per day in the evening)
OR, you can go 1 every other evening....REDUCES STRESS
Valerian, Time-Release [Nervous]. This herb has been used as a sleep aid for over 1,000 years. Its ability to help relax the central nervous system, promote feelings of calm, decrease levels of anxiety and stress, and enhance restful sleep are known to millions the world over. Valerian is not known to cause morning grogginess

Last, ONE NuVET Vitamins Supplement per day - MOST of my clients / 1000s of them take NuVET Long Term.....Keeps the VET AWAY-  Excellent for all the body systems !
Tell them Marie Peppers of Ask the Pet Nurse sent you...

HOPE this all helps
Marie Peppers

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


May I ask why go to Adult dog food now?  The dog food packages say "1 yr. and older".

Also, is the Valerian for the puppy?  Where do you find "pure" Salmon oil and how do you know it's pure?


Hi again, Many VETS are finding that puppy food is not always a good choice after 6-9 months of age.  Also, many vets and pet professionals refer to adult food by 9 months of age.
Don't always go by what the bag tells you.  If your dog has done well on the puppy food and is at a good weight then going to adult food can be a good choice.  Puppy food can make dogs overweight.
Talk to you vet about this.  Some will tell you what I am saying and other will not.  Many vets ( most of them) are not trained in Pet Nutrition at all.  They don't have many classes on diet and nutrition.

As far as Valerian, Yes, it is very safe and fine.
SALMON oil is sold at most pet stores / Just make sure it says pure Alaska salmon or Pure Wild Salmon oil.

YOU may want to do some research on what I have mentioned...
Just look up Valerian for pets...

Best Wishes

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the pet Nurse