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11 month morkie


I have an 11 month morkie her last baby tooth in the back has come up but didnt come out and her adult toothe grew in next to it. I cant afford anymore bills , is it really necessary to remove them , is there something homeopathic i can buy that might loosen it more.  I have seen some blood on her chewy but they still have not come out.  are there any special chews made for this.

This is quite common, I suggest giving the dog larger bones that she can gnaw n, Lots of tug playing and take some time to play with the tooth that is retained, usually by about 12 months they fall away. If this is stuck fast then it will require veterinary removal as otherwise it will encourage poor dental growth and encourage plaque and tartar build up making the dogs mouth a rather irksome place to be and will cause some pain if gingivitis sets in.Lots of play with the tooth is the answer.
Good luck