Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > 2yr Boxer excessive hair loss; excessive shedding boxer; boxer help pet nurse marie;

2yr Boxer excessive hair loss; excessive shedding boxer; boxer help pet nurse marie;


hi Marie, My dog Buddie is a 2yoa Boxer he has massive hair loss all year round please help. he doesn't look bald although he should be completely hairless the amount he loses. he is very active and otherwise seems in good health a good body weight too of 29kg of total muscle no fat. he eats after several different tries on different foods "skinners musli" his stools are fine and regular.
drinking and passing water regular.
just the hair loss is terribly unbareable and for a short haired dog each day we could make another dog we sweep his area 4/5 times a day. he cant come into the lounge. and if your going anywhere you daren't touch him or go near him for fear of getting covered. we love him very much and we need to get this right for him... please Help Steve

Wow Steve !!!  I feel for you guys... all that shedding, Wow....
Ok, If my help doesn't do the trick please have the VET run a Thryoid blood test on him...OK.

1.  YOU can add some Olive oil or Pure Salmon oil to his food each day - two teaspoons mixed into the food.

2.  Add 1 Vitamin E ( 150 IU) to his diet each day / long term-
this is the Vitamin E for humans...

3.  Take him to a groomer and ask them to do a furminator shampoo on him - It is a special shampoo and conditioner... Have them cut his nails and work on him.. YOU can also ask them if they can do a hot oil treatment after his washing.
The products for Furminatior can be purchased at most pet stores. It is for dogs that are shedding a bunch .
Since he is such a mess - I would pay someone to work on him - Take the mess / fur to the groomer's place.

Also, if you dog food has too much Corn and other fillers , that can cause dry coat and shedding.  YOU may want to look for a better and more holistic dog food.

HOPE this helps...

Marie Peppers LPN MA