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Dog Diarrhea & Blood Clots in Stool



I just bought a Maltipoo a week ago and ever since I got her she has been having diarrhea. I thought it might have been the food the previous owner was giving her, so I decided to feed her some of the food that my chihuaha eats. Unfortunately, this didn't make a difference. My Maltipoo is still pooping mucus-like and it has recently shown signs of blood,even little blood clots. I'm planning on taking her to the vet soon, but do you have any answers for me? I would really appreciate to get an answer asap.

Thank you for your time,

There are several possibilities. 1)worms - however, if she came from a reputable breeder, this is unlikely because she would have been wormed. It is still a possibility.
2) giardia an intestinal parasite or 3)a vaccine reaction. If you can drop off a stool sample at your vet and have it checked without taking the puppy (it is a puppy? you didn't say, and how old?)it might save you a bit, but your vet will probably want to see her, I would do that. If #1 & 2 are ruled out and she recently had a vaccine, it is probably #3. All of the above can be cleared up by natural means, especially with homeopathy, and #3 can only really be effectively cleared up with homeopathy.

In the mean time, give her a bland diet of rice and a small amount of pulped up green beans and broccoli along with a good probiotic supplement. Two Baked yams (thoroughly cooked)with a 1/4 tsp of powdered ginger  and 1 tbsp of butter blended then served when cool is also a good diarrhea diet.
You may find that a few days of bland diet will clear her up totally.The homeopathic remedy Aloe 30c is good for diarrhea with a jelly like mucus. Give it 4 times a day until the diarrhea clears up You can also ad Podophyllum 30c with the Aloe 30c. Anothe homeopathic, Merc corr 30c is a good remedy for diarrhea in which there is much straining with mucus, a slimy appearance and spots of blood. It can be given 3 times a day.

It would be good to check the stool sample and her temperature (normal is 101)and take her to a (hopefully holistic) vet if he doesn't respond to any of the above in 24 hours.

Please keep me posted and let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Perhaps we could discuss what you are feeding your other dog as well.

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