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Boston Terrier Puppies


We have taken in a pregnant stray Brindle Boston Terrier. We've had her about 3 weeks, she's very timid and quiet. She just had her puppies; a litter of 7 but only 4 alive so far. One of the puppies has an open cut on the top of his head like it was cut. I wonder if in the process of chewing it out of the sac it got bit. It's not bleeding but it is open about 1 cm and has me worried. The puppies are all trying to eat and the mother seems to be fine. Should I be worried. Also she delivered outside in a dog house. It's pretty cold and the mother is shivering. Should she be brought inside. She's never be in and she's very timid and scared. She's never tried to bite and I tried to help her with her puppies and she didn't seem to mind. I also hand fed her after I thought she seemed to be done delivering and she welcomed the food. Am I doing everything okay???? It's my 1st litter too. :) I would like to bring her inside but I don't want her scared and uncomfortable. Help....

Oh Boy, Yes, bring them inside if you can .  If not, is there any way you can make it warmer for them?  How cold are we talking?  
Also, you may want to call the vet about the cut on the head.  
I just don't know because I can't see what it looks like.
Can you take a photo of the area?
Marie Peppers LPN MA