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outside cats have to be indoors - feeding cats;


QUESTION: I have about 7 cats, they were all outdoors cats until about 2months ago, when the neighbor complained my big male cat, Krook was tearing up her yard, she has pictures. She wanted him put to sleep, I said no, and have kept my heartbroken cats indoors since. Here is the problem. Most of them have now developed diarrhea and Crook has been "coughing" for 2 days now recently. Although I will note he did cough up a hair ball last night. I put my ear to his chest and he doesn't sound wheezy like children do. So I'm not sure. I feed them the same dry cat food all the time in bulk, but am wondering if I need to buy them something more modified due to them being indoors now. We are poor to say the least right now, and can only schedule one cat at a time for visits when we do get the money. I have a feeling the diarrhea is due to them being kept indoors now? I have 2 cat boxes for them, that get cleaned 2x a day by me, and I disinfect the area as well with a spray of Lysol when they are not around.
Please help

ANSWER: Hi Stephanie:  Well, we can try to add some supplements to detoxify the system.

Chlorophyl - this cleans the body and helps to fight off disease.  Helps respiratory, too!

Here is a liqid to look for in the local vitamin shop:
give 1/4 teaspoon per day into the food or water dish.
( 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon per cat per day)

Also, if you can afford the NuVET Plus - give each cat 1/2 teaspoon per day - mixed into some wet food or even low fat cottage cheese.
Tell them Pet Nurse Marie sent you:

Best wishes

Marie Peppers of Ask the Pet Nurse

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


This payday I will be getting both for the cats.  I do have a question though, as I have never ever kept my cats indoors before. Should I change their food? I currently feed them Dads brand cat food in a huge bag, I did see at the store an "in-door" cat food, I was wondering if I should spend the money and  get them this. The other thing is, when they were outdoors they are grass here and there, I was wondering if I should get them the grass you can grow indoors for your animals. Sorry for all the questions, but one, I use a lot of holistic medicines for myself and my kids, and I have never had to keep my cats indoors before. Im just trying to take care of them properly. Thank you for any help.

Great - Yes, grow the indoor cat grass for them - VERY good idea as many folks have great success with this.
Also, you can buy some Indoor cat food and mix it with regular - give 1/2 and 1/2 on a regular basis.
The supplements will help a bunch.
Make sure you have 2-3 litter boxes - sounds like you clean then 2 x per day - pick up the humps of poop or pee.  GOOD job - I wish I was your cat!!!!
