Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Thank-you pet nurse Marie;

Thank-you pet nurse Marie;


I have had the darndest time figuring out how to contact you so that I could thank-you for your help with my Maggie.  In one day she has improved although we have a way to go.  I will be ordering the Nu-Vet today and tomorrow I will be stopping the metronadizole and see what happens.

Thanks again.  If there is an easier way to send you an e-mail I would appreciate your letting me know.

Hi Willa,  I am glad to help!  Keep me posted at my private e-mail:
When you call for the NuVET - tell them you are working with Pet Nurse Marie Peppers from the Alternative Medications site at all experts.
Call 1-800-474-7044
Ask them for the 60 day trial offer ( guarantee) and the 15% off program.
Write down my name and e-mail so we can keep in touch.

Marie Peppers LPN MA