Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > BUMPY FRENCHIE!



I have a 1 1/2 yr old male Frenchie named Charlie. He has had skin issues since we adopted him at 7 months old. Shortly after we adopted  him he was diagnosed with Debodex Mange. By the time he was 1 yr old the Debodex had cleared up. His new issue (for the last 6 months) has been red bumps all over his back literally covering him at times. His skin sometimes is warm to touch and obviously uncomfortable for him. He has been on numerous rounds of antibiotics which clears up his skin but within a few weeks we are back to square 1.

Charlie is on Taste of the Wild - Smoked Salmon, Benadryl twice a day, Vetri Probiotic once a day and I use Clear Advantages Earth Bath shampoo every 7-10 days. I had Bicom testing done a month ago and I have cut out cheese, nylabones, treats and changed his shampoo. Charlie's skin is still a mess. Please help!

I was googling for answers and kept finding you. I was hoping that you could help us. I appreciate any advice that you can give us.  

Hi Lisa,

Thank you for writing and nice to hear from you...
Skin issues are a bit complicated but solve-able. It's not really a question I can answer in an email not having an entire history on your dog. It requires a lot of work on my part but If you are interested in working with me, my site is Fees are on site, too.
Email address is
Vets always give antibiotics because it clears up the skin infection, however the  problem is not solved and requires investigative work on part of owner and practitioner. In the meantime, he will be developing a yeast problem and after a certain amount of antibiotics his ears and skin will develop yeast and her will start to smell like yeast. I see you are using probiotics which is great and will help with yeast but may not be enough.
With cases like this the animal is individual and they don't all respond to the same thing so the case has to be uniquely looked at and explored to find the correct solution. The results don't happen overnight and is a process. It takes time to see if things are working. Sometimes we see an improvement if we are on the right track, in 2 weeks up to 6-8 weeks. If we are not on the right track, we alter. Our aim is to clear up the underlying imbalance that is creating this problem.
With cases like this, I require lots of email update communication to know what is going on day to day.