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Hamsters:Wet tail


I just got my hamsters they were really healthy and active, but one was smaller than the other two. Less than a week after i got them they developed wet tail. Ive been giving them vitamins, keeping them in a warm and quiet environment, sanitizing their cages, and giving them wet tail drops twice daily. There arent any vets here that really do much for hamsters and taking them long distances would surely scare them more. I was wondering if there was anything else i could do to make sure they stay healthy.  

Hello Laura -

The only cure for wet tail is antibiotics to be administered by a vet. The over the counter drops do not really address the illness and at times can cause more harm then good.

Long distances and car rides would really not upset them too much. Hamsters are docile and adapt well to their environments. The only thing I can tell you is to be sure you have the hamsters seperated and keep a close eye on the wet tail. Unfortunately, the outcome with hamsters and wet tail can be grave unless proper treatment is administered quickly.

I am sorry I cannot be of more help but the best solution is a trip to the vet. You are doing the best you can and it sounds like you are really comforting them and taking good care of them as it is.

Thank you and best wishes to you and your pets. I hope your hamsters will feel better soon.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist