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toy poodle with constipation and upset stomach


I have a 3 year old toy poodle who is a very picky eater and sometimes won't eat dog food for several days in a row. Eating "people food" sometimes results in constipation and I'm not sure what to do for her. She also, gets an upset stomach fairly often if she isn't eating much or right and will even throw up a yellow substance that apears to me to be stomach acid, only a small amount and she then goes right on playing or whatever but I am concerned I need to be giving her something for this problem. Any sugestions? Thank You so much for your help.

Hello Wanda -

A lot of pets are picky eaters and do not care for the taste of dog food brands.

Here 's what you can try other then "people" food. Add chicken or beef broth to her dog food. Its rich in vitamins and minerals and is great for picky eaters. You can also try adding boiled chicken and plain rice to her food, again, full of vitamins but not really "people" food. Stay away from the pastas and heavy breads, this may be the cause of the constipation. "Toy" pups tend to have this problem and if the feces are not removed from the anal opening in time, it can cause serious problems.

Begin to add Garlic powder to her food. Garlic is an anti-microbial and anti-oxidant and helps to push bacteria through the system. Don't be afraid to sprinkle it on with a heavy hand, dogs love Garlic and she should eat it up. This also masks the flavor of the generic pet food and she will think its a treat. The only draw back to adding Garlic to the food is flatulence. It may be a little stinky but its helping her internally. Just keep a couple clothes pins handy! You can keep her on Garlic for life, if will not hurt her and is very effective internally for all conditions.

If she gets constipated again, give her Aloe Vera juice. This will help heal her bowels internally and will help to release the stool. You can also give her the herb Slippery Elm in powdered form, it works te same as Aloe and is also well liked by pets.

The yellow vomit you are describing is bile, it means she is hungry. A lot of pets will vomit before they eat or if they haven't eaten in a longer then normal time span. No harm here, unless there is blood or heavy mucous in the vomit. She is not ill and will continue playing, its just a sign form her body that she needs to eat. I have a Golden Retriever who does this from time to time, more so in the winter when his body is storing extra fat and he wants more to eat.

If she will not eat solid food, you must try to at least get broth into her system. I also suggest you put her on a supplement called "Nutri-Cal". You can purchase this at almost any pet store. Its a vitamin supplement that will help restore her body where she is not being fulfilled by the food. Dogs and cats love it, she will lick it off of your finger. Its all natural and a caramel base. You will even notice a difference in her skin and hair coat, it will be healthier and shinier.  

I hope this information has helped you and your pet.

If you would like information on natural and herbal remedies for human and animal concerns please contact me at and I will be happy to assist you and send you a catalog of my home made herbal remedies.

Thank you and best wishes to you and your pet.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist