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Australian Bush Flower Essences - cataracts


From a pet news group I belong to I learned Australian Bush Flower Essences - waratah, sunshine wattle, red suva frangipani plus mountain devil to cleanse liver may be helpful in clearing my dog's cataracts. She still sees ok and her eyes don't look too cloudy. Just a vague blue cast you can see in some lights. However, she seems to have some problems with peripheral vision at times. She is also getting over a retinal hemorrhage/inflammation for which vet prescribed neomycin/dexamethosone opthalmic ointment. The vet said the cataracts would mature in about a year. Are ABFE worth a try? I'm in the US but there are US distributors here. Thanks. Valerie

Hi Valerie
ABFE do have great results on animals, as do all vibrational essences.  They work at dealing with the emotions that are causing the physical problems.  
Mountain Devil will cleanse the liver.  If the liver is toxic then it is directly related to eye problems.
Red Suva Frangipani, Waratah and Sunshine Wattle all work together, with Mountain Devil, to aid in conditions of the eye such as cataracts.  
The blue haze you see in her eyes is the cataract condition.  
Holistic Animal Medicines also have homeopathic pills to help the eyes regain some health.
If you do decide to get the bush flowers, then you will need to administer them diligently, twice per day, 5 drops each time, for at least 3-4 weeks.  When ordering the products buy the dosage bottles, not the stock bottles.  The stock is the full-strength that is used to make up the dosage bottles.  You can ofcouse buy the stock if you are going to be making it up yourself.
The essences can safely be used while continuing the meds from the vet.
Let me know if you need any further assistance.