Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Valerian Root for Dogs natures sunhine ; pet nurse marie natures sunsine valerian root;

Valerian Root for Dogs natures sunhine ; pet nurse marie natures sunsine valerian root;


Good Morning,
I have read a lot of information stating that Valerian Root is safe for dogs.  Can you tell me what dosage you recommend for a dog weighing 60 pounds?  I am about to take them on a long trip and I think it would be helpful for one of them while I groom her.  Thank you very much.  I look forward to hearing from you.  I appreciate your time!! Deb

________________ Valerian Root - canine dosage _________________
Hi - How did you do with the Valerian?  Did it help your dog?
Let me know if I can be of more help to you....
Marie Peppers - Ask the Pet Nurse


Hello Deb - Yes, Valerian Root works great for car rides/ trips or just general anxiety issues.

Here is the dosage for a med sized dog:

Valerian -  ( give 1 per day in the evening)/ time release- see link:

OR, you can give 1 (1 hr prior to a car ride ) ....REDUCES STRESS

Valerian, Time-Release [Nervous]. This herb has been used as a sleep aid for over 1,000 years. Its ability to help relax the central nervous system, promote feelings of calm, decrease levels of anxiety and stress, and enhance restful sleep are known to millions the world over. Valerian is not known to cause morning grogginess

ALSO - Don't forget a good Natural Supplement:
Holistic and safe:

ONE NuVET Vitamins Supplement per day - MOST of my clients / 1000s of them take NuVET Long Term.....

Keeps the VET AWAY-  Excellent for all the body systems !
Tell them Marie Peppers of Ask the Pet Nurse sent you...
use order code 81098 so that we can keep in touch ... Write down my name and code...Thanks!!

I sure hope the Valerian works - The Nature's Sunshine products are FRESH to your door and quality .... can't beat that!

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse