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Hawthorn for my cat


I have read about hawthorn been very good for supporting heart conditions,I would like to try my cat with some but am a little unsure of how to give it, how much to give and if it is safe to do so.
My cat is about 16 years old and has always been very healthy.Recently the vet detected a slight heart murmer.(which she may have had all her life) also she has had a burst vessel in her eye which the vet says could be realated to high blood pressure.(This seemed to happen after a short burst of coughing.) I am going to let the vet test her blood pressure and maybe xray the heart if it is necesary.She has recently had a blood sreen which showed no major problems.She is eating well exercising and is showing no other symtoms.

Hi Jo:  Wow, 16 years old... I have seen a few live to 21 yrs old... She could have another 4-5 years with good care on your part.  Thanks for being a good pet parent.

Here are some links for products that may help:  The first one looks good - Good quality company.  It is for cats with heart problems... All natural- Cardio Mix for dogs or cats:

Also, my company has a wonderful product for cats - it is a powder form called NuVET Plus - check us out at: ( they have a special one just for cats)

It looks like you would give 70 mg per day of Horthorn Berry or 35mg 2 x per day: This is CAT dosage.

Best wishes with all you do for your little feline friend