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reoccuring ear infections


QUESTION: I have a ridgeback and sharpai mix puppy she keeps having these nasty little ear infections.We have tryed ear wash ,allergy meds,cleaning them often but it keeps coming back.Her grandfather has had them off and on for a long time and his is allergy related not I'm looking for a herbal cure that might make it finally go away.have any suggestions ?cause I have two more of her sisters that are starting to do the same thing.I would like to stop it before it gets bad in them to.Please Help!

ANSWER: Hi Christi,
Thanks for your question.  Ear problems are terrible in dogs, and can cause the poor dog so much grief and unrest.  We have two formulas that work really well.  One is for fungal ear infections (this is more so for dogs with moist, smelly discharge from ear).  The other is a Chronic ear blend that is actually added to their food, and works like other herbal treatments as it works it way through the blood.  Both of these formulas have proved successful to many of our customers.  If you would like further information please go to our website to have a look:

Other than that, all I can suggest is that you find a Naturopath in your area who may be able to help.  If the infection and irritation is long-standing, it can take quite a few months to resolve, so you will need to be patient during this process.  But this time span is also usually long enough to resolve things for the long-term.
Please let me know if you would like any further assistance.
Kind regards

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Silva, thank you for replying so quickly,the info is very helpful .Have you heard of using neem oil to fix this kind of problem? Thanks again for your help.Christi

Hi Christi,
Neem oil is primarily used to keep fleas and other parasites away, but having said that, it does have strong anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, so it may work quite well in assisting with the ear infections.  As I mentioned in the other email, anything this long-standing will take several months to clear completely, so you will need to persevere.  Make sure you read all instructions carefully in regard to applying the Neem to the ears.  The best thing might be to put some on a cotton pad and wipe out the ears.
Another product that also may work really well is Colloidal Silver which you can purchase in any health food store.  This is also highly anti-microbial, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.  Dab some on a cotton pad and gently wipe out the ear.
Let me know if you need more help.