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14 yrs old terrier with cognitive dysfunction/hx of seizures without medication/currently on candidae dog food
which stopped seizures...suggestions which are naturally to
help symptoms of CDS & prevent progression of disease. I
also give him broccoli and flaxseed in diet

Hi Lori,
To look at ways to treat the seizures you are really best to consult with a vet who specializes in natural therapies, or talk to a herbalist or homeopath as they will be able to prepare a natural remedy that you can administer.  An all natural diet is always best for all animals, so I would not be feeding any ill animal processed dog food.  Raw fruits and veggies will boost immunity and overall health.  Flaxseed oil is a great supplement to meals.  Add carrots, celery, beetroot to the broccoli to boost vitamin supply.  You can purchase many natural pet supplements on-line these days, so have a look at what may suit you.
I feel I am not able to provide any further answers Lori as this is a little out of my field.  This is a serious and complex condition and you really need the ongoing support of a vet who supports your chosen methods of treatment (natural), and/or the expertise of a qualified Naturopath/herbalist who is able to monitor progress and prepare some remedies for you.
Sorry I could not be more helpful.
With thanks,