Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > 8 month old mastiff

8 month old mastiff


I have a 8 month old Mastiff, She first started getting sick about 2 months ago, she first had signs of being lathargic, not eating temp 103 and swollen lymph nodes... Well the vet started treating her with the typical meds;clavamox,zeniquin,doxycycline,a ehrichia test, lymes test,all of that was negative and the med didn't work either. So then the vet suggested a specialist, they gave her,clindamycin and,hospitalized her for a few days which helped and also started her on azthromycin. . They sent her home with these meds and it did work to the point where she has her appetite back and she is still eating well, but her lymp nodes are still swollen, neck and rear legs, still slight temp and she moves still stiff but better. The Doctors are still stump and can't figure out what is going on. That is my question to you to find out have you heard of this or any idea's for me to try..

Hi Donna- I would love to help you but this is very extensive and I am wondering if the other gal, Silvia, can help with herbs.
What I would offer you is the NuVET immune Booster and a few herbs...
Why don't you take this over to Silvia/ the other gal in Alternatives, see what she says

Ask Silvia at:

NUVET is worth a try:  .....
If you want to try the NuVET supplement, it is worth a try: VERY helpful for many of my clients....
Here is the ordering info for NuVET Plus:

NuVET will cost you about .60 cents per day/
 They give a 60 day MONEY back guarantee on the NuVEt Products.

If you go onto auto ship will get a 15% discount on every order.
All the product is made in a FDA lab in California
/  All human grade quality. Call tomorrow and order /  tell them Marie of All Experts/  Ask Pet Nurse Marie sent you ....
referral code 81098.
They don't sell to the public without a vet code.
NOT sold in stores,
just thru Holistic vets and some breeders.

Here is the link - to the E-store
YOUR baby will only need 1 wafer per day:

Ingredients: ( in one NuVET Wafer treat)

Alpha Amylase
Beta Carotene
Blue-Green Algae
Brewer's Yeast
Cat's Claw
Desiccated Liver
Evening Primrose Oil
Oyster Shell
Pine Bark Extract
Potassium Citrate
Selenium (Yeast)
Shark Cartilage
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Whey Protein
Zinc Dipeptide Chelate