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Pet cat taking Prednisone steroids;


My pet cat, Sandy has been taking Prednisolone for a couple of years or so. He has inflamation of the intestine and regurgitates his food. This helps to keep that under control; however, I worry about side effects. Are there natural treatments that would do the same thing?

Thank you,

Hi Ginger, Your cat is on steroids and you are concerned about the long term problems associated with the prednisone.  I sure do understand your concern.  First, you need to think about Sandy's quality of life.  She may need to stay on steroids for her lifetime.  Her IBS diagnosis is a tough one to manage.  See if you can slowly take her down to the lowest dosage possible of steroids.  ( with your Vet's help )

I can send you a home-cooking recipe for cat's with her condition.
You may be able to slowly reduce the Steroid down to a VERY small amount.
I am unsure if this cat kid can live a Quality life without the steroids.

Let me know if you want the home-cooking recipes?

Marie Peppers LPN MA