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My Queensland Healer has had reacouring cysts.
He is a neutered male weighing 85lbs,and now at
the good old age of 12years. He now has one that
has developed on his front ankle joint. The area
is swollen and has several open seeping spots.
At this point he isnt putting any weight on it.
Currently giving him baby aspirn. Is there some-
thing that I can do that will assist in the
draining process? My last vet visit only left
me with the alternative that even if I had the
one that developed on his side removed, it would
move than likely return. He gave us an ointment
to put on it and it has never returned. At this
time I an financially unable to take him to the
vet. Please help!

Hello Desiree -

Your vet is true to say that even after surgery the cyst can reappear. Just as in humans it is not guaranteed that the cyst will not come back.

Watch the amount of human aspirin you are giving your pet, it can become hazardous to his health if taken over a long period of time and in high quantities. You may want to purchase "dog" aspirin, this can be found at your pet shop. It is a little safer and will work in the same manner.

Here are a couple natural things you can do to help the skin to heal. First begin to add Garlic powder to his food. Garlic is an anti-microbial and will help kill bacteria. Don't be afraid to sprinkle it with a heavy hand, dogs love Garlic and he should eat it up right away. The only draw back to adding Garlic to the food is flatulence. It may be a little stinky but the Garlic is doing its job by pushing the bacteria through the system. Just keep a couple clothes pins handy! You can keep your pet on this as long as you like, it will not harm him and is quite effective for all types of bacteria and infection.

For the open wound, apply Tea Tree Oil in a carrier base. Use 8 (eight) drops of Tea Tree Oil to 1 (one) ounce of either olive, almond or apricot kernel oil. Wash the area with this 3 (three) times a day.

After the Tea Tree Oil, (I am assuming there is no infection present at this time), make a rinse using the following herbs: Calendula, Comfrey and Gotu Kola. Simply add a tablespoon of each herb to 24 ounces of water and boil rapidly, then strain. Add 16 ounces of Aloe Vera Gel and mix. This will last you a while and is well worth it. Apply the salve liberally over the area and then wrap with gauze. Even if your pet licks it off, he is still taking it inot his body which will still allow for good internal healing.

You can purchase Tea Tree Oil, Aloe Vera Gel and the carrier oil from your local health food store. The herbs can be found at an herb shop in your area or can purchased online. 1 (one) ounce of each herb will last you while.

I have make this remedy for many of my clients, if you are interested in me making this remedy for you please contact me at and I will be happy to assist you. I would also be happy to send you a catalog of my home made herbal remedies for human and animal concerns.

Unfortunately, there are no supplements or way to prevent these cysts in humans or animals. Keep your pet on a healthy diet and if there are any changes, feel free to contact me.

I hope this information has helped you and your pet.

Thank you, best wishes and please keep me posted.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist