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peekapoo allergies


so my husband and I just adopted a 4 month old toy peekapoo. She is so stinking cute and such a blessing. I have noticed that she sneezes continuously and just this evening for the first time she had a " sneezing fit" we got her from the humane society and they gave us pedigree to get her started. Her eyes got really swollen just after her first round of shots but they don't run any more once the swelling went down. I am willing to change some stuff for her, but where do I start? there are no patterns or consistencies to these sneezes so I am getting more confused every time she does it.

I don't usually send people to my web site right off (you may notice that it is not even standard automatically on my reply like some people..I probably should do that) but this time, I am going to save you and myself a lot of time and trouble and send you there right off the bat because your questions will all be answered right there in just one purchase that every dog owner should own. It's my new book, Simple Steps to a Healthy Pet. It is available in print or on Kindle. It is the product of over 20 years of study and experience with using strictly natural foods, supplements and alternative remedies in one very easy to read and understand book. Care for your new friend using the information in it, and you will more than likely never see a vet again. Our natural flea and coat care product is also available there. The site is  I am working on another site ( that will have even more products on it, like herbal supplements and homeopathic remedies, but that is going to take a while because I am having trouble with the shopping cart.

Also, if the sneezing continues after following the advise in the book, add locally produced raw honey to her food, about 1/2 - 1 teaspoon a day. Be sure that it is from bee keepers that live within about a 50 mile radius at the most (the closer the better). This will help if she has any air-borne allergies.

Any other questions after you read the book, our phone number is on the site. Please feel free to call.
