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My Golden Retreiver scratching; skin and coat problems;


Dear Marie,

I adopted a two or three year old golden retriever mix from the shelter two months ago. He came with a wellness health check and was fine. Since then, he has gotten into a tussle with a raccoon, and a dog on the beach and has come out fine aside from a few scrapes. Aside from that, Im worried because he has patches of skin that are covered in black specks. He has been scratching himself all over and biting himself almost nonstop. I dont know what i can do and im worried. I know i should take him to the vet, but i dont have the money to. Could you tell me what you think is wrong with my dog and what i should do about it?

Follow-up : Please let me know if you try the supplements?  Also, if you do see the vet have a skin scrape done for mange mites.
Keep me posted:
Marie Peppers of Ask the Pet Nurse

Oh, poor kid!  When you can see the vet, please do.
For now - wash with an oatmeal doggie shampoo 1 x per week.
You may want to try some NuVET supplements - takes away the itch and heals/

SEE the vet as soon as you can..

Marie Peppers lPN MA