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dogs digesting capsules


With my veterinarian's ok, I've been giving my dog pal MSM capsules to help inflammation re walking problem.....bad hip...arthritis etc.
I'm using OTC MSM capsules sold for people. I've been opening the capsule and mixing med (powder) with food. I'm doing this because I'm not sure the dog's digestive system will dissolve the capsule.
Is this necessary?
And does this affect the med's effectiveness?
I appreciate anything you can share with me about this.
Thank you for your help,,,

Hello Anna -

Breaking the capsule open and mixing the MSM with food is fine and more effective to your pet. MSM is very beneficial to your pets concern and you should begin to see results in about one month's time.

The powder dissolves faster and gets into the system quicker then by straight capsule form. The capsule has to be broken down and digested before the MSM can get into the body. This is true for any capsule used in humans or animals. Your dog's system can break down the capsule, either way you give him the supplement is fine and is mostly your personal preference.

The OTC MSM is also fine for pets. Most "human" supplements can be gven to dogs and cats because the supplement is the same whether it is for human or animal consumption.

I would continue to mix the powder with the food, your pet is use to this and it is more effective. This is a good way to administer a supplement, especially if your pet is not a "pill taker".

I hope this information has helped you and your pet.

If you are interested in natural and herbal remedies for human and animal concerns please contact me at and I will be happy to help you and send you a catalog of home made herbal remedies.

Thank you and best wishes to you and your pet.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certfied Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist