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human cranberry supplement dosage for dogs


My vet recommended that I put  English mastiff puppy on a cranberry supplement for her chronic bladder infections.  I was not able to find any dog version of the med. in my area, so I bought human version. It is 800 mg.  The packaging says two pills up to three times a day, but does not give weights.  How much should I give her?  She is currently 61 pounds, but being a puppy, those weights will change, so I will need to dosage amounts for additional weights, up to 150 lbs if possible.  

Cranberry for dogs ; Canine dosage of Cranberry for UTIs ;

Hi Kim - yes, you are going to have a big girl someday!  Your vet is smart to have you give some cranberry.  The dosage for her will be 1 of the 800 mg in the am and 1 in the pm.
As she gets older you can give 2 in the am and 1 in the pm.  This is something that will sure help the UTI problem.  
Another thing that I refer to is the NuVET supplement - This wafer supplement/ vitamin helps to reduce or even stop UTI infections and kidney crystals.  
She would need just 1 NuVET wafer treat per day.  Once she is over 80 pounds you can give her
1 1/2 per day - the NuVET is also good for her skin, coat, hips, legs and joints.
SEE here: not in stores
Tell the NuVET Folks that Pet Nurse Marie sent you.
*the bottles run 39.00 and 55.00

You can give the NuVET and the Cranberry everyday - long term......  VERY Safe

I also refer many to a cranberyy fro dogs-  It is called "Doc Roy's" and you can get it in many pet stores.  For now, the cranberry you purchased is fine for your dog.

Good luck and Happy New Year

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse