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pug girl with severe arthritis and pug boy with severe skin allergy


Hello! I'm writing for some advice for 2 of our pugs. We have 4 pug furbabies ~ 2 who are struggling. We adopted our girl on Halloween 2011. She came to us all the way from Alabama to us in MO. She was in a very horrific situation-a hoarding situation where they forced her to breed despite her severe orthopedic needs....hip displaysia, luxating patellas and spondylosis all well beyond stage 4, severe alignment problems from not developing or growing properly, as well as osteoarthritis all at the age of 2. We are looking for alternative medical advice for her case...supplements and products that may be helpful. Also,we have a 9 year old, 22 lb pug that has the worst skin condition. We have tried numerous things-steroids, rx shampoo, allergy pills,etc. There is nothing helping this breakout. Typically, they come and go-this time it has stayed. We are also looking for advice for him in alternative medications. Thank you so much for your time and feel free to ask me any questions.

Hi Chrissy,
Thanks for contacting me about your fur babies. You have a wonderful heart to rescue..we are actually looking for a rescue dog at the moment.

Ok you have two fairly challenging situations here. First, let's deal with the rescue.

My first suggestion is to find a veterinarian who is licensed in acupuncture and Chinese herbs. There are so many supplements on the market but since your pug has some very advanced issues I would suggest you treat her with natural supplements that are very specific to her condition and constitution. Over the counter products would probably not do the trick as they are not strong enough or specific enough. I would also recommend Acupuncture as it is fabulous for pain control and increased mobility. Also a veterinarian Chiropractor could help her with the alignment issues.

If you check out there is a great doggie massage sequence that you can do at home that would help with making her more comfortable and relaxed.

Next...let me help you with your 9yo

Sounds like an allergy dog to me. So that could indicate something in his environment (pollen, fleas) is causing his allergies or something internally (food allergy, genetics) is causing the skin condition.

Again, in this case I would recommend finding a holistic veterinarian and one who can prescribe a cleansing diet, suggest herbs and set him up with a treatment plan that would manage his issues for life.

Please let me know if I can help you further and thanks for contacting me.