Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Pet Poison First Aide : Frog toxin exposure silky Terrier ;

Pet Poison First Aide : Frog toxin exposure silky Terrier ;


My 13# silky terrier was exposed to bufo toad toxin.  (She had her mouth on the body of the toad for a split second.)  Her mouth was rinsed and gums cleaned immediately.  The vet said to keep an eye on her for the next couple of hours and if she doesn't have any symptoms she will be fine.  She never presented with symptoms.  My question, would you recommend detox or immune support as a follow up to this exposure?  If so, with what?

Helping your pet after possible poisoning ;
Pets and poisons;  Activated Charcoal ;
Hi Sandy ,  I would give Activated Charcoal right away -  it sure can't hurt -          I know you don't need it now as you are past the DANGER Zone .  Keep some on hand - they Sell it at the local Walmart or CVS, Wallgreens .  

What is Activated Charcoal?

I often use the pill but they do have a powder :

ALSO - For a STRONG Immune system -  WE use NuVet Plus  in POWDER or Wafers
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Tell them PET Nurse Marie sent you

Glad your Little Terrier is OK!

Marie Peppers LPN MA