Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > my pitt bull has green junk in her eye

my pitt bull has green junk in her eye


My pit bull gets this green junk in her left eye bad. It was only when the grass would get high. It looks like a green cover that comes up and then bunches up in the corner and dries up and looks like a big eye bugger. She acts like everything is fine. She still runs and plays fine. What could this be?

Hello Mike,

This could be as a result of getting irritants in her eye from the tall grass, or any of a number of things. My suggestions would be to keep the grasses cut down in the areas she spends her time, and to keep a bottle of a high quality 30 or 70 parts per million ionized Colloidal Silver around the house. When she gets the problem, put an eye dropper full of the C-Silver in her eye at least once a day until it clears up (which will be very quickly with C-Silver).

By the way, C-Silver is incredible for colds, flu, food poisioning and other stomach issues, etc. for people as well as animals. Everyone should have it around.

Try to find it locally at a health food store, but if you can't, go to my web site , we have it there.

Hope this helps.