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Cat coughing and sneezing


My 1 year old cat started acting different last night, I notice that he was acting as if he had a hair ball but as he coughed and coughed nothing appeared I read one of your other questions and tried using butter to loosen up the "hair ball" but I do not believe this is the problem he is now coughing but not as often and has developed a slight sneeze and is acting irregular. He has tapeworms but we are currently treating him for those so I do not think that could have any effect on him. Please help.
                 Thank you,


Susan R Griffin
Hello Taylor,
It sounds as if our kitty could be developing an upper respiratory infection. If you have a good holistic vet near you who practices homeopathy I would call him/her ASAP.  If not, you could call Dr Gerald Wessner at 305-245-2025 and let him know about the issue and that you need a phone consultation ASAP. He should be able to overnight you homeopathic remedies. Baring that, you could call your local vet.

In traditional western medicine the distinction between viral and bacterial infections is important because the drugs used to kill one will not treat the other.  In holistic medicine this is not important. The treatments are essentially the same.

A natural treatment often used and which you can probably start immediately is:
1. Fast by withholding food for 1/2 to 1 day or if he has a fever, until the fever breaks.
2. Give 500mg of vitamin C per 10 pounds in divided doses throughout the day. Crush or grind tablets or use a powdered or liquid supplement for easy assimilation. For best results use a natural vit. C or calcium ascorbate with bioflavonoids and other C-complex substances from food-derived sources, not ascorbic acid.
3.In addition any of the following:
*1 capsule of powdered grapefruit seed extract per 10 pounds body weight, or 1-1/2 drops of liquid grapefruit seed extract per pound. If you have access to a product called Agramax (call 727-327-2356 if you don't locally) it is even better because it is a blend of 4 citrus seed extracts and extremely powerful and useful for humans and animals for a multitude of issues.
*1 or 2 drops of propolis tincture per pound body weight (10 -20 drops for 10 lb dog, or cat)or 250mg powdered propolis from capsules per 5 to 7 pounds.
*1 garlic extract capsule (Kyolic or similar brand) per 10lb,1/4 tsp garlic tincture per 10lb, or 1/8 tsp finely chopped, minced or pureed garlic per 10 lb

Divide the above 1 day doses into 3 or more servings during the day. Use any of the above alone, any 2 in combination or alternate from one to another. Continue for up to 10 days.

The only appropriate food for fasting is raw, unpasteurized honey which can be used as a mix for any of the above and fed with a spoon or put it on cats nose or paw for him to lick off. It can also be diluted with warm water in order to eye dropper into mouth between teeth and cheek.

Make sure clean bottled water is available at all times. Cats often drink more if water is in running tabletop fountain. If you have Real Willard Water or high quality Colloidal Silver available, ad it to the water. If not available locally, call # above.

Well, that should get you started.
Another question: has your cat been vaccinated within the last 3 to 6 months? If so, this could be a vaccine response issue. I would not vaccinate again if so.
Also,I would recommend finding quality grain free food, preferably raw if possible, plus a good enzyme and pre and pro-biotic supplement, and feed your friend that in order to maximum health for life.