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Alternative to Amitriptyline for cat



My cat will be 15 years old and has an alepecia problem on her stomach and rear legs. The vet suspects it's a seasonal problem because her hair did grow back in August, but she is now licking again (she does not lick the areas raw).  The vet put her on a 0.5ml daily dose of amitriptyline for the antihistamine, but I've noticed her behavior has changed (I know they also use it as a behavior modifier).  She is also on methimazole for her thyroid.  Is there a natural antihistamine alternative I could use?  Thank you.

Hi Julie, Well, I have heard that Omega 3s are very helpful for the reduction of inflammation.
How about some of this - 2 per day for 10 days and then 1 per day long term...
**should be very good for her overall health.
Nature's Sunshine- soft gels

Wish I could help you more!

Good luck ..

Marie Peppers LPN MA