Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Feline Hemorrhoids

Feline Hemorrhoids


My 12 year old male cat has an external hemorrhoids. I believe it may have been caused by his frequent constipation. Can you advise of an ointment or other type of treatment to reduce the swelling and perhaps aid in the elimination of his hemorrhoid?

Thank you

Sorry for the delay
in the main a cat dog and human suffer the same problems with piles, they can be treated the same.
I would start by taking the cat off any dried food and start by using fish with oil and carrots mashed and peas mashed etc, also ensure the cat receives some benefiber in his water daily.
All animals and humans require fibre to ensure the correct passage of food through the gut which moves in a pulsing manner.
Most human pile cream will be good for the outside but you can bathe the anus with a warm water and epsom salt mix, apply this to a flannel so its warm and place under cats bottom for a few minutes then allow the cat to wonder off. REpeat twice daily.

You can also buy these powdered psyllium husks or powdered flax seeds, to aid good fiber within the cats diet in fact fiber is essential.
I would also ensure the cat is nOT obese as many hemorroid problems start with the animal being overweight .