Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > canine incontinence; DES hormone : pet nurse marie nuvet; Tea Tree oil Spray;

canine incontinence; DES hormone : pet nurse marie nuvet; Tea Tree oil Spray;


My 9 y/o female rat terrier started leaking urine 13 mos ago.  She has been on cranberry, herbs, "leak no more" homeopathic drops, antibiotics (2 rounds) Methigel, and the latest is DES estrogen hormone treatment. The DES is working great but when I took her to the vet last week her urine has a strong smell that he described as acetone.  He just said this happens in older dogs sometimes.  I am concerned that it is the beginning of renal failure.  I prefer to treat holisticly but have succumbed to using the DES.  It is helping though. Also, I have been cooking for her since Dec 2008.  Chicken, carrots, sweet potato, green beans, cod liver oil. She also licks at one spot on her left paw a lot and the vet thinks it is fungus because of "thickening" around the bare spot she licks.  He prescribed Fulvicin but I have not given it to her.  I have been putting P-73 oil of oregano on it.  Any advise you can offer?  I am really concerned about the kidney function.

Wow Paige!  You and your vet are sure trying to help this kid!  The DES works great and sometimes we do have to go that route because it is all Hormone related.

I can give you a new recipe to try for dog with Kidney troubles and UTIs... It may help : Also, I would stop putting the Oil of oregano and try some tea tree oil - (P-73 is good stuff but tea tree oil may be better)
I would do 20 drops of tea trees oil in a spray bottle of water / 6 oz spray bottle - spray down the area 3 x per day - just 2-3 squirts and pat dry with a paper towel.

Next - The NuVET supplements sure work wonders on urinary ( kidney), appetite, energy, helps all the body systems and is a Healer / Skin and Coat healer:
I would try her on this - just 1 1/2 wafers per day for 30 day and then drop down to 1 NuVET wafer per day.
NuVET wafers are low cost and Natural - compared to the stuff the vet will give you.  HOLISTIC vets use NuVET all the time for healing and Boosting the Immune system. ( Allergy Blaster)

Tell them Marie sent you and the will ask for an order code : 81098
write it down .... ASk for the 15% off on autoship.
60 count bottle is 39.00
90 count bottle is 55.00

Try this recipe for kidney kids:  May help-

**created for cats, but the recipes can be used for dogs as well)**

Dr. Pitcairn's Feline Diet for Kidney Problems

1 1/3 cups (2/3 pound) ground chicken, turkey or lean heart
4 cups cooked white rice
4 eggs
2 tablespoons cold-pressed safflower, soy or corn oil
1,500 milligrams calcium  .....( Or Use a NuVET each day )
1/8 teaspoon iodized salt

1 teaspoon parsley, finely grated carrot or other vegetable (optional)

She offers vitamins ~~~~

/ 5 DAYS worth or just give 1-2 NuVET wafers per day - Ask me and I can help.... ( Marie's e-mail

I SUGGEST cooking it for 20 minutes...

Mix everything together in a large bowl. Serve raw if the cat will accept it.
Otherwise, mix all but the vitamins together, bake about 20 minutes in a moderate oven and then wait until it cools to mix in the vitamins.

Occasionally, substitute 1 to 3 teaspoons of liver for part of the meat.

add carrots and green beans a few days per week/  Sweet potato just 1-2 x per week....

Keep in touch!
Marie Peppers Of Ask the Pet Nurse
contact me any time at my e-mail