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shih tzu eyes and yeast; tear stains - NuVET vitamins for shih tzu;


hi and let me thank you first..what a wonderful service to offer all of us:)my little love petey is 1.5 yr old shih zu.His eyes are always watering and it turned into a bacterial infection which the vet put him neomycin drops and hydroxyzine 10mg 2x day...neither works although the odor is not as strong and hes not pawing them as much. i feed him a homemade diet of cooked ground lean turkey, pumpkin, sweet potato, peas and carrots. he seems to be scratching alot under his armpits and occasionally bites his paws. i am getting ready to order nuvet and i really hope it helps because i hate putting him on medicine would prefer holistic such as nuvet. very difficult to find a vet that is holistic!
again i really appreciate your help and petey and i thank you!!!

Tear Stains use a good supplement like NuVET;  Tear Stains, use a good Probiotic such as the PEARLS brand:

shih tzu and supplements:
NuVET - Please remember that I give 20% back to Rescued pets when you purchase NuVET Plus Vitamins for your pets...
Thanks - See below

Hi Rose, Sounds like you are doing your homework!   I like your diet just add some  Tums ( 1 per day) to the mix - you can crush the Tums. It gives added cal carbonate...  Yes, Please add 1 NuVET wafer or 1 teaspoon of NuVET powder to the food each day.  
You can alternate your meats with Cooked turkey or ground cooked lamb.  Ask your butcher to ground up the meats for you.
Also, add 1/4 teaspoon of Olive Oil per day --- long term.

Please start this little one on a Probiotic called PEARLS - it's an acidophalus probiotic.  Give 1 per day for 90 days - Will help to get ride of the itchies and odor / scratching...  Must be excessive Yeast Bacteria overgrowth.
Pearls can be found at Walmart , CVS and Walgreens stores:

For NuVET go here-
*** I give 20% to Rescued Pets when you use my order code 81098.
Make sure you give my Name and Order code : Marie Peppers -  that way I can give 20% towards all the Rescued pet Funds.:
See here
Marie's NuVET page to order your product... ( not sold in stores)

RESUED dogs and cats ready for adoption:  
see here:

Keep me posted!

Marie Peppers LPN MA